The Heroes of the 2015 Halloween Display
The Kerbey House was without its full walkthrough this year due to time constraints and the expectation of huge crowds of Trick-or-Treaters (TOTs) on this Saturday Halloween. The crowds were near non-stop in 2014, and it was difficult to manage both the TOTs and managing the walkthrough. That turned out to be a good plan, as we likely had over 1,800 TOTs this year. This change also meant that my friends pictured above were freed from being hidden in the haunt and were instead set up in a few scenes in the front yard. The graveyard did not happen, as I procrastinated too long. However, the Buick loaded with my "Rollin' Crypts" clown gang turned out to be the most popular of all of the scenes. It was lit from within and above by spinning DJ lights and low-powered strobes. It ended up being a backdrop for many pics that night. As a bonus, there was room in the backseat for me to get some haunt acting scares in on a few victims that dropped their guard nearby.
I will update this with a short video and more pics of this scene at night soon.